
The Library

Kendall LOVES the library. We go at least once a week for browsing, drop offs, playing, and picking out new books and movies, and then on most weeks a second day for story time or play time with other kids their ages. If you have a library near you that offers kids programs, you should look into it, Kendall and Ethan love this time. The story time is just about a half hour with music games in between, and each week they get excited to walk in their 'classroom.'

This past Saturday we spent some time there and Kendall was so excited because she had all the toys to herself, well she had to share with her brother, but it seems as though we went during everyone's nap time on a rainy Saturday. I was relieved there were no other kids there because I didn't want to have Ethan flip out bc he had to stay in the stroller and not interact bc I was fearful he was contagious since he wasn't acting like himself that day, and they doctor had thought he might get what Kendall had. So he was able to run free, well, crawl free.

Kendall as I have said before loves books, and Ethan is growing fonder of them with each story time and time spent on my lap reading to him. His favorite is an interactive book about horses. No idea what appeals to him about this because he is scared of real horses.
The children's librarian is named Ms. Biddle (perfect librarian name, I know) and since Kendall has learned her name, she shouts upon entering the kid zone, 'I here Ms. Biddle' whether Ms. Biddle is there or not. This woman even looks like a librarian. If I were to see her somewhere other than the library I would know that her profession was a librarian. She even knows each of the kids by name...and of course likes to reiterate over and over again the importance of not letting your children watch ANY t.v. and just read, read, read. Well, Ms. Biddle, we have failed you in that area. How else would I keep my sanity on some days?

On the sick front it seems as though everyone has escaped the worst of it, but good old mommy. I have had this stomach virus thing for the past three days, killing my appetite and making me just feel yucky. (no, I am not pregnant, not only that it would be impossible to feel anything since it would be way to early for symptoms. but never the less, whenever i have stomach illnesses everyone gasps and asks, are you pregnant? NO! can't a girl be sick??!?) On the bright side, maybe I will drop a few more pounds. Ethan again has a runny nose, cold stuff going on, I think that was his end of Kendall's illness. He has a hoarse voice which I tell him is from crying/whining too much.

Ethan got his one year immunizations yesterday, finally! They were put off again, and again, and again, from his ear infection. It has finally cleared, the threat of tubes put off for at least one more infection, and he has got his boo-boo patches. He was so mad after he got his shots that he swatted at the nurse and growled at her. I think we have got a temper on the rise. And Kendall asked when it was over, 'are we done Mommy?' and I answered, 'yes.', to which she replied, 'good, let's get out of here!'

Today we are off to the, you guessed it, library, for story time, then to good old target for some bum supplies, and random things I remember I need, and then hopefully some naps.

Now how am I going to make this hair presentable?!?!

Kendall INSISTS upon wearing her friend Meghan's jammies every night! We had to borrow jammies one night and now every time I get them through the wash and she spots them she is reminded of them and shouts, 'I wear Meghan's jammies to sleep!!!' I think I now have to hide them and then try to remember where I stashed them so I can return them the next time we see them.


I don't feel good...

Kendall has taken up residence in our bed because, she doesn't feel good. She woke up Wednesday night with 103 fever. It got so high at one point that she was seeing dogs run around her room, and polka dotted balls bouncing off our walls. It was scary and funny at the same time. She was so very alert for 1 a.m., and I just knew she wasn't having a dream, she had a fever and it was making her see things. I took her to the doctor first thing yesterday morning and her ears were clear and it looked like she might have some sores on the back of her throat. He said to continue with the tylenol and that she has a virus and that it is no longer contagious since she has broken out with the sores, but that Ethan most likely is carrying it. yuk. So we shall see if he breaks out with a fever in the next couple of days. Kind of puts a damper on the weekend. But so far they have the same energy and food consumption levels as before. However, Kendall has learned how to milk an illness and woke up again last night and I went in and said what I usually say to her 5 out of 7 nights a week (she is a TERRIBLE sleeper), 'Kendall, it isn't morning time, go back to sleep,' and she turned to me and said, ' I don't feel good, I sleep in your room.' I asked her where she didn't feel good, and she responded, 'my elbow.' So needless to say I scooped her up and brought her in, because what if she really didn't feel good? She has got us wrapped around her finger.

UPDATE: Upon waking Kendall announced, 'I feel good today.'

In other events, it seems as though the landscapers are again attempting to give us some grass in the patchy areas. Do they not realize our soil is embedded with rocks and needs to be tilled? Well whatever, it is keeping Ethan busy as he stands and watches them work. So when they come back and have to do it over again, he again will get to be busy watching them and I can get some things done as he yells 'Tractor!' and 'Truck!' Over and over again.



What's your candy of the day? Ours are gumballs. Kendall LOVES them. She is also pretty good at letting me know when it has lost its 'favor', (flavor) and will throw it out. She also needs to be reminded that E can't chew them yet, but I still have to watch her like a hawk before they go into her mouth, she likes to show him some sympathy.
His face says,
'I know I wasn't supposed to have this, so I will pretend I don't have it in my mouth.'

Mom Mom (Mom)

I have always adored time spent with my Mom Mom. Her and I are a lot alike. We are both silly, adventurous, random, and nosey. When I was younger I spent a good amount of my time at her house, and always felt as though it was my second home and really attached myself to her.My parents were young still working to establish themselves and a good home for us. My mom was in nursing school and my dad working as an apprentice, so Mom Mom helped the best way she knew how, and would watch after me when they needed her to through much of my toddler and preschool years. I have learned how to cook from her, how to take care of and love animals from her, how to make a home from her, how to just be goofy and not care what anyone thinks from her, a lot of random things like ride a bike, swim, roller skate, plant a garden, run a race, swing on a swing, and so on, and the importance of family from her. She has a presence about her that just makes me comfortable, and when I am in her home it is that feeling that you just want to curl up sip on some tea and fall asleep in the hammock, it is that kind of comfort I get from her.

My Mom Mom will drop anything if I need her and is always thinking of little ways to help me, from doing my laundry when the pile has reached its limit, sewing dress ups back together, will scrub and scrub to get the worst of stains out of my favorite shirt of Kendall's, watching my kids so that I can run here or there, making tuna casserole for me when I have had dental surgery and she knows that I will not want to cook for my family and also won't be able to really chew much.She has gone above and beyond for me.

My Mom Mom is 72 and still keeps up with her yard work on her 10 acre farm, has only a little bit left of the Appalachian Trail to hike, just climbed to the top of a 20 foot tree yesterday to attach a cable to it and the ground because it was leaning and threatening to fall, goes and works out every other day, is the first to roll down a grassy hill to show Kendall how to do it, plays golf at least once a week, and the adventures don't end there.

She is a fine example to my kids that possibilities are endless. That an adventure can be found around any corner. That each day can be more fun than the last. To conquer fears and to live life to its fullest.For my 16th birthday she gave me a gift to fly in a bi-plane with an open cock pit with my best friend because I wanted to do flips in the sky in a plane. I was able to do just that. For her 65th birthday she took a hot air balloon ride.

Each week I try to get to Mom Mom & Pop Pop's home and spend the day there. Kendall and Ethan are already learning so much from her. Kendall is also goofy which is only brought out more when she is at Mom Mom's, her Mom Mom Mom. Kendall is also following in Mom Mom's sense of adventure and loves to take hikes in the 'forest,' and explore something new. They have recently made a play house in the trees on her property making rooms, furniture, and appliances out of rocks, logs, and things found outside. It is quite a little home and Ethan and I were able to come for 'dinner' yesterday, as long as I brought the butter, (dandelions with the stem taken off), for the corn on the cob (pine cones). We had that, some roast beef, (pieces of bark), and some salad, (moss), and ate with our forks, (sticks). Ethan was found with Mom Mom after Kendall and I had eaten our delicious dinner, in the corner of thier property overlooking a road just watching the cars go by. In typical boy fashion he would hoot and holler when a truck went by; the bigger the truck, the louder the scream. Ethan was also enamored by the fish in the pond and sat for close to an hour watching them feed. Mom Mom takes the simplest things and turns them into the most interesting things. The kids are usually exhausted by the end of the day and Kendall will talk about her many adventures with Mom Mom Mom until the next time we go there.

There are lots of animals there and Ethan has attached himself to the dog Jack, and he and Jack are usually found together as Jack sees it has his responsibility to watch over Ethan. They even have a nap time together. Kendall loves Elmo and Meghan, the donkeys, and thinks that it is her job to make sure they are fed and taken care of while she is there. I think they are just Kendall's speed. Not as big or as fast as a horse, she goes right into their fenced area with no fear. It is also Kendall's 'job' while she is there to feed all the animals their dinner. I think this makes her feel pretty special since they all flock to her while she is feeding them and she spends time with each of them petting them, calling them by name, and taking notice if one is missing.

Needless to say, I have many childhood memories that involve my Mom Mom and I know my kids will now have the same. They are so blessed to have some pretty awesome and hands on grandparents to spoil them, love them, and teach them all there is to know. Mom Mom is just one of them, but as you can see, she is pretty special and worth mentioning today.


Our Beautiful Day

We have been truly spoiled this week in regards to the weather. Spring has arrived and we love it! The kids and I have spent most of our days outside running around in our crocs, flip flops, tees, and crop pants. Today was the best day of the week so far and tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer, do I dare dress them in shorts?. All the windows were open, the sun again shining so bright! I almost didn't mind that Ethan only took an hours nap today. (argh)

Today we had breakfast and walked, well I walked, they wagoned it, on the trails to the 'castle park,' as Kendall likes to call it. We met our friends there and the time flew by. I looked at my watch and could not believe it was lunch time already! Ethan of course still is terrified of the swings. Some say, well perhaps he doesn't like that feeling in his tummy. Perhaps. But I rock him everday and not only that if you could see how his daddy whips him around and throws him in the air Ethan laughing hysterically the entire time, you might think differently and be as puzzled as me. Then there are some that say, well he is afraid of heights. But then sit him on the highest of slides, and he will go down all by himself. Ethan just doesn't like swings. Alright fine. I won't torture him anymore. But I loved the swings and Kendall loves to go so very high, and yells, 'under dog, mommy, under dog, HIGHER, HIGHER!' She is very brave in regards to almost everything. She will try everything at least once.

I forgot the sunscreen. Didn't even think once about it until about 10 minutes before we left, way too late. Their cheeks have now been christened by the sun. A healthy look that in fact isn't very healthy at all. So I got some new sunscreen tonight at good old Target, and placed it in the back pack.

photos were taken after dinner, and after some really yummy oreos!

Kendall has been giving me a hard time about bathtime all week. She begs me each night not to give her one, and then cries and cries while in it. Not sure what is going on there. There are no visible boo-boo's anywhere on her body, so I think this might be a phase. But playing outside all day leaves them oh so dirty, so I endure the crying for 5 minutes while I scrub her down. We are just about to go upstairs for a bath now. I have given her some notice, and of course, she said, 'no thanks, mommy.' At least she has some manners.

Tomorrow we have a playdate with some new friends, and Kendall and I are going to make some chocolate chip cookies after E goes to bed to bring, and we also just purchased some new sidewalk chalk to share with them as well. (also, of course purchased at Target, was there shopping done before Target, I can't remember, I love it there, there and Gap and Old Navy online, they have suckered me in)


Happy Tuesday!

Anyone who uses the phrase 'easy as taking candy
from a baby' has never tried taking candy from a baby.

Today is one of those days where the sun is shining so bright you can't help but be in a good mood. I was in such a good mood at 10 a.m. that when Kendall said, 'Mommy, I think it's time for a lollipop,' I said, 'I think you might be right.' I can't have a lollipop since I have some dental issues going on that are hopefully going to be taken care of this afternoon, so in my place, Ethan had one. He is loving every sticky minute of it. I know, I said I loathed anything sticky. However, do you understand how peaceful it is here right now while lollipop consumption is going on? It's fabulous. Enjoy your day and partake in a lollipop, they are quite tasty.


I may be a Fink, but I also back up an excellent, thought provoking, and wise professor.

There's nothing more demoralizing than a leader who can't clearly articulate why we're doing what we're doing.
James Kouzes

and that's it.

Kids Gone Wild!

As if it were a theme this week...I was constantly reminded to, 'step it up mom!'

My children have had me outnumbered all week, and I am in need of a new regimen.

No longer do I have a toddler and a baby, I have two toddlers.

Two things I have confirmed this week:
1. Boys like to experience hands on just about everything

2. Girls imaginations just get loftier and loftier until at some point I am sure we can exist in a totally different world when needed.

I am now in the need of being constantly alert at all waking hours. If one of them is deafeningly quiet I panic. Yes, strawberry jelly does taste good, but is like removing glue from a body, it just spreads as it is wiped. And how in the world does he now know how to open the refrigerator?

Stickers. Who invented them? What is their purpose exactly? Similar to play doh, I believe they are created with the underlying reason, to drive parents mad. Have you ever tried to pick, pick, pick a sticker off the side of a dresser? And isn't it so annoying to clean up play doh? The first attempt, you really try to keep the colors separate, and then you are like, 'f-it,' and they start to look tie-dye.

Some may say, well she wouldn't stick the stickers on the dresser if you watched her more closely. To that I say come on over, have at it. Because as you are trying to discipline one for getting in the jelly, another is upstairs sticking stickers she found in her color book on her dresser, and then coming down the stairs with them all over her face asking me with an exasperated tone, 'Mommy, what happened?', as she looks at the jelly, proceeds to step in it, and as I say, 'Oh no, don't move!', she giggles and takes off, as the other begins to roll in the mess that is on the floor, and in the end, there is jelly and stickers all over. I loathe anything sticky now.

Boys are also wired so completely different than anything I am used to. As I have said before, Ethan is all boy. His favorite words are ball, block, truck, kick,and any given dog's name. I grew up surrounded by females, I mean even our pets were girls. Kendall I get. Princesses, Barbies, Secret homes in the woods, drawing, doll houses, baby dolls, dress ups, and pocket books. Covered. Ethan loves to play with matchbox cars. He will sit and spin the wheels with his little finger, and run them over things making car noises. He could parallel park, throw his walker in reverse and turn his head in the proper direction as if he were maneuvering a pick up truck at 8 months old. He also likes to empty things out and put them back in. Take things apart only to put them back together again. These things are not limited to toys. On many occasions he has tipped over the trash can only to put the trash back in. He will spread the dirt I swept into a pile all over the floor, and then attempt to put it back in the pile. And forget sitting still, now that he cruises everywhere, he is into everything. I pick up Lily's food at least 5 times a day. (and I have tried putting it up, but Lily is rigid, she likes to drink and eat in particular spots, and her fat bottom can't jump that high) Yesterday, I went to get water for them to drink and I came back to find him with the lamp in his hands getting ready to hand it to Kendall. I suppose he thought she wanted some light for her doll house. (mind you this lamp is as tall as him) And I am not lying this boy can throw a ball. I can't even throw as accurate as him. Ethan also loves watching trucks go by and it is the most wonderful morning of the week when the trash truck comes! He can hear that sucker coming from blocks away and will speed crawl to his window to await their arrival. I have since placed some tractors and trucks on the ledge for his entertainment as he waits for the trash men. When they come he screams at them, in his own way cheering them on. So to all you trash men. You are my little boys hero.

Oh but he is my boy. I have big plans for him. I like to think he is the cutest of all boys.

And Kendall she is moving at warp speed in her vocabulary and understanding of things of this world. However, she is still somewhat confused when it comes to some things, for instance, she will cry and say, 'Mommy, you hurt my feelings,' and I will ask her, 'Oh Kendall how did I hurt your feelings?' and she will answer, 'on my ______ (fill in the body part).' Her coin phrase of the week is, 'you did that,' or ' I did that; on purpose.' So some examples would be, 'Mommy, you turned the t.v. off on purpose,' or 'you yelled at me on purpose.' or ' E took that from me, on purpose.' or my favorite, 'Daddy is snoring on purpose.' It is good she is learning at two that we all have a purpose. Perhaps some day she will tell me mine. :)

We got a lot of outside time this week. And I am grateful. Despite the snotty noses that have crept back into our home, we did a lot of fun things outside. I LOVE flip flops. I LOVE the air blowing throw my house from open windows, I LOVE fresh air, it produces exhausted children.

So yes Kendall, I took you outside, on purpose.


Hiking for Daffodils.

Our first hike with Mom Mom Mom, (my mom mom), was on friday. Mom Mom wanted to take the kids on an adventure down a path and through the woods of where a home once stood years and years ago, whose gardens still flourish by a stream with daffodils during the first few weeks of April.

It was a rainy morning, so Kendall decided that she needed to carry an umbrella. Part of the hike in on the home's old stone driveway that is covered over with moss and some grass, but it is for the most part, smooth, so that I could push Ethan up in his stroller. Kendall hiked up the hill to the path that Mom Mom led the way to clipping away any sticker bush branches that blocked our way.

The kids were cranky. Ethan was unsure of what was going on, he just knew that he couldn't get down and walk through this stuff, that his hands had to be held close to his sides so that he could not reach sticker bushes, and that Mommy had to balance him on her hip while crossing a stream and bending to pick daffodils.

Kendall on the other hand wanted to do EVERYTHING on her own and therefore screamed in defiance when someone would try to help her. This resulted in Kendall stepping into the cold stream, sliding on her butt down mossy and muddy hills, and getting scolded quite a few times. However, once the daffodils were picked Kendall's mood perked up and she began exploring the woods with her, 'pinescopes.' I have since figured out that pinescopes are binoculars. But, I have yet to figure out the origin of her referring to them as pinescopes. Every once in awhile this will occur, and later in a book or in the rerun of a show I will find out the source of Kendall's word for something we refer to completely different.

Once we got back on the beaten trail, Ethan and Kendall hopped into the stroller and I pushed all 52 pounds of them up the trail which was all up hill to the clearing and back down again, resulting in Ethan falling fast asleep despite his bumpy ride

Kendall and Ethan love going to their Mom Mom Mom & Pop Pop Pop's farm and an agenda is usually set out in place by Kendall a day before we get there. These events include, water coloring, feeding the animals, painting our nails, having a tea party, putting on boo boo patches, not bc we have boo boos, but bc Mom Mom purchases barbie, dora, rainbow, and strawberry shortcake band-aids, and Kendall wears them like they are stickers. We also indulge in playing barbies, walking to get the mail, playing on the porch, and opening the toy bins to completely empty them., numerous times. She attempts to get all of these things done in the first 10 minutes we get there, but once she is settled, they last the entire day and she is exhausted in the end. Yesterday we added on the adventure hike, so I am sure there will be many more of them.


Ethan's Birthday Party

Ethan's birthday party was this past Saturday and he had so much fun! We had the party at my grandparents farm and it was a nice day so Ethan was able to play outside with his cousins.

We had dinner and ice cream and cake, and Ethan LOVED the cake.

He had two pieces, his and his sisters! I can't deny him more cake when he asks for it at his birthday party! He is such a good eater, I wish Kendall was the same. She is so very picky.

Ethan got a lot of new clothes which was really needed and some new toys which have been great. It is always fun to add some new toys to the mix, it keeps them occupied during play time a little longer. Ethan was so excited to see his family and was completely exhausted at the end of the night.

We are now 100% certain that Ethan's hesitancy to walk is his confidence because when he doesn't think about it or when he is encouraged to the point of his confidence reaching a high point, he walks right across a room! It is crazy. He is also very picky about who he will walk in front of, a bit shy I suppose. Stage Fright. So we just continue to send him back and forth between Andy and I passing a ball to each other to give him more incentive. Everything that has been new to Ethan has required us getting him over a fear. We even had to coax him into playing with a ball bigger then a tennis ball, which he now has no fear of and is obsessed with. He is also afraid of swings. We worked on this a bit yesterday at the park. But he became as stiff as a board when we put him in the swing. After getting out of the swing he also screamed and reached for Kendall as she swang away to her hearts content. He must have been fearful for her as well. He is a Mama's Boy, no doubt.

Kendall continues her silly antics. Last week she was helping me get Ethan's bottle together and I asked her if I should give Lily some. She said yes, so I poured some into her bowl. Lily refuses to eat in front of the kids, but Kendall was determined to get her to drink it, so she kept pushing the bowl around the kitchen floor to Lily, saying, 'Lily, drink it." I turned to finish the bottle and straighten up, and turned to Kendall asking me, 'Mommy, do I look beautiful?'

I asked her why she had milk all over her head, and she said simply, "I was teaching Lily how to drink it."

So I must go get some things done. Kendall is watching Beauty and the Beast which we checked out from the library. Beyond skipping all the scary parts, she seems to like it. Of course, there is a princess in it.