
Our Friend Filled Weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend which is always good for wearing them out and also keeping them pretty happy since all activities were for the most part, kid-friendly.

Saturday we woke to Daddy being away celebrating Bruno's Bachelor Party. This coming weekend is Heather & Bruno's wedding and Andy will be the Best Man and Kendall is the Flower Girl. Her dress is adorable and if she cooperates for one picture, I will be happy. Andy has got his work cut out for him though. It will be him who will have to get her to pose for pictures, since he will most likely be in them with her. So he will have to be in her good graces all day long. Which is somewhat difficult since 2 years old can, as you have read, be testy and temperamental. I plan on buying her these little princess dolls that she has had her eye on. I wanted to give them to her for being potty trained,when we really get on her about this, but I believe they come in a pack of 8, so 4 can be kept for that 'special moment.' I was planning on giving two to Andy to stuff in his pockets so that I can say, 'Daddy has some princess dolls in his pocket, go and get them,' and send her on down the aisle. And they are small enough that he can give them to her to look at while they are up there, without being a distraction. And if she becomes one, hopefully I will have a front row seat so that I can grab her and play with her in my seat. The ceremony will be short and sweet, so I think she might actually make it.

But back to this weekend, since Andy had the Bachelor Party, I headed down with the kids to my parents since we would be meeting some friends there, but also because we had church and a birthday party down there on Sunday as well, so it only made sense to save on gas and just stay over.

So once we got there my dearest friend Kellie came over with her two girls, Emma & Meghan. (her hubby Scott was also at the Bachelor Party) Meghan is the same age as Kendall and Emma is 4. The three of them get a long pretty well with Emma leading the way. We ate some Happy Meals together and then headed over to the Kids Castle in Doylestown.

The kids had a lot of fun there. They had a "Touch a Truck" activity set up for kids. All the township's vehicles were on display for exploration. So there were dump trucks, a trash truck, loaders, backhoes, an ambulance, lawnmowers, and a bunch of other, 'worker guys', things. Ethan loves looking at them but was a little bit nervous about going in them, that is my nervous nellie for you. The horns were honking, kids were screaming, it really was a little boys dream come true, and I think the girls enjoyed themselves too. In the castle the girls and Ethan, with a little help, raced around in and out, up and down. At times they were so fast and the castle is so big the grown ups would have to split up to find someone who had raced up some ladder or incline not waiting for the group. Kendall loves the big slide that is there. It is a twisty slide that goes down from the top of the castle. In one part of it, it is pitch black and you are going around and around and Kendall insists upon going down by herself. You can hear her giggle echo all the way to the bottom.

After we came home everyone played, Ethan slept for a little bit, while Aunt Michelle gave all the little girls manis and pedis.I don't think during the entire day there were any tears from anyone. Well until it was time for Emma & Meghan to go home. Everyone was overtired, and Kendall can get quite nasty when tired. Emma wanted so much to give Kendall a hug and a kiss goodbye and Kendall just would not do it. She would run away and say, 'nope,' knowing that this was upsetting Emma more and making Emma cry even harder. Poor Emma. In the end Emma didn't get her kiss and Kendall was quite sad when she left saying, 'I was so mean, I sorry.' Well too little too late. Lesson Learned.

Later that night my Mom, Michelle, Ethan, and I went shopping for my Mothers Day gift. (a dress to wear to the wedding this weekend). Kendall stayed and played with Pop Pop. The trip was successful, and Ethan and Kendall went to bed WAY best their bedtimes at 11 p.m.!!!

On Sunday we went to church. Ethan slept through the service and Kendall went to Sunday School with all of her friends. We then went back to Mom Mom and Pop Pops and waited to go to Molly and Brynn's 3rd Birthday Party. Kendall would not nap for fear that she might miss it. Kendall LOVES playing with her cousins and did this for the entire day and into the night.We even lost her a few times as she raced around playing with everyone and everything. The girls got princess outfits for their birthdays so the three of them decided to dress up and Kendall and Brynn stayed in these outfits for most of the evening. Ethan also loved playing all day.

The Girls: Kendall, Molly & Brynn in their favorite spot of the night, the dessert table.

Ethan's best friend is his Pop Pop and when he knows he is going to see his Pop Pop or just saw him he will repeat over and over again, 'Pop!' He will whisper it an entire way to their house if I tell him we are going to see Pop Pop. So the majority of his weekend was spent with Pop Pop. When he sees Pop Pop after being away from him for a mere 5 minutes, he will act as if he hasn't seen him in weeks and make this silly face while either crawling really fast to him, or screaming for him.

The "Come Here Pop!" Face

So today I got the time to type this blog as Ethan sits and plays with his trucks and Kendall has slept in. It is now 10 a.m. and I think I am going to let Ethan go and wake her.

Happy Monday...we are going to get some good naps today!

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