
My Fashion Maven

Remember the hyper color shirts?
I did not have one.
I consistenly spent many days blowing hot air onto my friend Katie's shirt in elementary school.
I think I may have asked for one like 2 years straight.
I never did get one.

Do you remember Skidz?
I can vividly see the street sign patch that sat on the waist.
I never had a pair.
My best friend had like a handful of pairs and wore them with such pride.

Z. Cavaricci's?
Remember those?
I didn't have those either.
But the best thing about those...boys used to actually wear them too. They also use to spike their hair with so much gel they felt like porcupines. They also drowned themselves in Drakkar cologne because us girls thought they smelled so good. They also did alot of nothing, when us girls used to call them and hang up on them and hound them with notes written in 3rd period math class and folded them up into a tucked up square and pestered them to write us back.

I did once get a pair of K Swiss sneakers like Kelly Taylor's and I seriously thought my crap did not stink.

My son. He is going to be 6.

This child loves clothing.
And you know, most boys are like, 'sure, it's a t shirt, its my size, lets go.'

Uh. No. Not my son.

Thankfully for me, he can find and meet mostly all of his fashion needs at Target. I am forever grateful that he thinks this is the only place to purchase clothing and shoes. My wallet couldn't handle much more then that for this clothes horse.

We take bi-weekly BIG shopping trips to Target to get most of our household needs. Sure I am there like 45 other times in that 2 week period, but not for these particular items. Let me tell you, this kid is like up and ready to go on these fridays. And no, its not for the promise of walking the toy aisles if they behave. It's so he can go and look at clothes and hopefully get something new to wear.

So we grab a ball for the trouble maker out of the dollar bin and meander over to the clothing section.
I will totally tell you, Target can seriously have some sweet deals in the clearance racks. I mean you cannot beat a shirt for $1.80, and I will have a smile on my face like the cheshire cats, because I have made this sweet deal. Now that I have told you this, stay away from my target so that the deals stay mine.

(Dude....Sue and I totally got vacuums that were leftover from Black Friday door buster sales two weeks ago for ten bucks. I don't care if you have a vacuum, ten bucks for a vacuum is like crazy...so tell me...you're totally itching to go to target, right?)

Now it is a game, me and Target clearances. Something will be like $3.48. Here is my mind. Do I risk waiting one more week? There is ten of these shirts left in her size...if I wait it will be surely under two dollars soon. Sometimes, I look at something and it is $4.90. I am all like, 'no way, highway robbery!!' This is for a pair of jeans.

Simply my children grow like ,and immersing myself into financial ruin to purchase them name brand items is just stupid. These clothes will not fit or will have holes in the knees in 3 months flat.

So now I completely get why Z. Cavaricci's were like a big HELL NO for my mom. Cause I am like HELL NO to jeggings costing more then 8 dollars. 8 dollars!!!

Each time we are at Target he will ask me what size he is. Small, home slice, small. He then will browse racks. He will browse racks like he is my grandmother at Strawbridges shopping for a suit to wear the annual church tea. He pulls things slightly out that hang on hangers, look it up and down and make some decisions. He has often been caught pulling together some outfits from all different racks determining which shirt might go the best.

Listen, Santa put some belts in his stocking and the reaction would have been similar to mine if a million dollars was in my stocking.

And beyond seeing what they are selling he is unaware of what is trending. He simply chooses what he likes and goes with it.

New sneakers is like the second coming. He actually has fully admitted to me that he loves the smell of new shoes.

And so then we have all these options to choose from, and I will tell him, 'o.k. E, like, one outfit today.'  Without fail, he will say, 'ok, let's go and try them on.'

Really. It's really like that.

We can't just know that it is his size and he likes them, we have to see how they all look before a decision is made.

We are in Target on these fridays for no less then 3 hours. A meal is shared there.

And if we need new clothes for the season, well people, you better just clear the day.

As you can see from the photo above socks are pretty important. No matter the temperature, high black socks were a must have last summer season. We suffer for fashion too, he got that memo loud and clear.

He will compliment others on their clothing choices or say to me, 'did you see Breckin's sweater today? Can we find one with a v like that for me in the neck there?' How can you not get that kid a v neck sweater after that?

Today was an athletic kind of day. There was much on clearance in this category today. He told me he looks like David Beckham.

And let me tell you something, if David Beckham's style is something we are focusing on...then Mommy can do nothing but support that.

So here's to my future Ralph Lauren.
Please keep in mind...depending on the way the wind blows Mommy wears a wide variety of sizes...plan accordingly.,,,and when you get a chance a hyper color mu mu is on the top of my list.


  1. YOU. ARE. HILARIOUS. the end. I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard at your comment on my blog.

  2. I am trying to figure out how to email you. Email. now. pipsersmom@gmail.com
