Pics and Sayings of the Week
In typical Kendall and Ethan fashion they were being physically aggressive with each other and I told her that if she swatted at him again she would be in time out. Well not 2 minutes later I hear a swat followed by E crying. I grab her and put her on the step. She crosses her arms, looks at me and says,'Seriously, Mom!?!?' I quickly replied, 'Seriously Kendall,' and ran away to laugh. If she is saying this at 2 what is to follow at 4?
Picture and Silly Kendall Saying of the Week
Kendall also says a lot of silly things and I want to try and remember the funniest. So I will try to get one of those in weekly as well. When he starts to talk more I will add them also.
Here is my first shot at this new idea, and then we are off to play outside.
Kendall has been getting in a lot of trouble lately for being rough with her brother. Mainly pushing him, but she can send him flying. In a few months she will be the one running from him but for right now, she is the bully. So she has had numerous time outs and spankings when she is really rough and she is then told to say sorry to E.
Just about 10 minutes ago they were in their playroom playing and I hear Ethan start to cry. I am just about to go down the stairs when I hear Kendall's feet run over to him and then I hear her voice...'no, no, don't cry E, I sorry. don't cry E, Mommy put Kendall in timeout, I so sorry...shh...'
Breakthrough. She gets it. Sometimes I think she doesn't. But now I know that she understands the consequences that come along with bullying her brother. I don't know what happened, the crying stopped as I stood just out of sight, and the playing started up again. And not only that she secretly tried to amend a problem.
Now on to the pictures...
Animal Rescuers
My Dad found Mr. Peeps in his lawn on Friday took pity on this orphaned baby bird and it is now living in a basket, with a handmade nest of grass and leaves in my parents home. It is fed by syringe for its liquids and then we take either some sort of fruit or bread soaked in milk, tear it into a tiny piece and place it deep into its open mouth when it is hungry.I do not think if you came to stay at any of our homes, you would be treated with such lavishness unless you were an animal.
We stayed at my parents from Saturday to Sunday, and of course Sylvia came along, I mean you can't leave a baby kitty at home. ;) The kids loved taking care of Mr. Peeps and were quite interested in what he was all about.
'Come and give me a kiss'
It didn't even phase Sylvia that this was a bird and that there should be some animosity between the two. She explored its basket, ate its food, and sat itself right next to it. You may say, well she is too young to know that she is supposed to hunt birds, but I assure she knows that she is not to like dogs. Poor Bridget got her nose scratched every time she came too close to Slyvie and a dog and cat fight would no sooner ensue.
So we hope that Mr. Peeps makes it to his first flight. It is always touch and go with wild animals...but he seems like he just might.
The fish "in" the water
Invasion of the Kittens
Catch Up Part Two
On the actual Memorial Day we went to another picnic at our friend's Jake & Trista. Kendall always has fun over there and usually plays hard with the kids. Ethan now on the move was able to play with the kids also. He preferred to sit in the little car most of the day and eat and eat. He is a picnic connoisseur.
Ethan 'crashing' amidst a busy weekend.
Kendall has also been loving going to Sunday School now if I could only say the same about her brother. Ethan HATES going to the nursery despite loads of kids and toys to play with. He will become so distraught that I usually have to go and get him. I have since signed up for one week a month in the nursery and my parents already do another, so that is 2 weeks out of a month that he will stay there. The other two he is with us. However, I must admit, he does behave, he is usually sound asleep by the time the offering plate going down our pew. Kendall just loves it though, she will talk about it all week and on Saturday night just loves going to bed with the promise of Sunday School in the morning. 'I go see my friends at church, mom?' So this is so very reassuring to me, a love of church and some good friends there is so important. She loves to tell me about the lesson as much as she can get out of it at 2, and she also loves to tell me what she did with each of her friends. This past week they asked each of the kids what they wanted to be when the grew up and Kendall responded, 'a crocodile.' To each his own. Ethan will be in her classroom next year at this time, and will have hopefully grown out of this separation anxiety. Until then...
Right now he is attempting to climb into my lap since I must have been absent to long for him.
This past weekend we spent some time at home, it felt good to not be running around. We bbq'd with the neighbors, and the kids had a lot of fun. Kendall loves playing with her friends Sarah & Emily outside, and Ethan can usually be found following along. At the bbq on Friday night Emily whipped out of her dress ups some fake teeth. Kendall thought this was hilarious.
Ethan is quickly learning new words, one syllable, if you ask him to say a two syllable word he gets angry. Yesterday I asked him where some body parts where and he was able to point to them. His personal favorite is his tongue.
His favorite thing to do is whine and cry about everything. It's a lot of fun. I am sure it is over communication frustration but just the same it is as annoying to him as it is to me. But he is my little boy, and everyone knows my bottom line when it comes to Ethan...and that is just that, he is my little boy.
I promise you E, this soon shall pass.