
The fish "in" the water

So we have been invaded by the heat and what else is there to do but get wet? We did this by having the kids swim in our neighbors kiddie pool, ( i have yet to get to target and snag one of our own), simply filling buckets and having them play in it, squirting them with the hose while we water flowers, and then finally going to my aunt and uncle's pool on Sunday. The only effect the heat has had on the kids is that they are tired at the end of the day and sleep well. So for that I say, Welcome Summer!

In typical Ethan fashion, he was a little unsure about the big pool. He is going through an, I hate Baths, stage and so I knew that the pool would be quite the same. In his defense, he was working on an ear infection on Sunday and so I must say perhaps that he was weary all around and not just about the pool. He took a big nap Sunday afternoon in our cousin Ryan's room and so for the most part he didn't get in the pool that much.

We had Kendall's best friend Sarah with us that day, we were watching her as her parents were at a wedding. So we had two 2 year olds in the pool that day to keep track of, and they both did great and stayed in the pool most of the day.

Kendall took to the water like a fish. I wasn't sure yet what kind of floating device I was going to get her yet and there was a pair of swimmies left over from the previous year from someone and I thought, well I will put these on her so she gets used to the idea of having some type of floaty on her and not just holding on us the entire time. So we slipped the swimmies on and off she went. She was swimming all by herself for the most part. The only time she required assistance was when she wanted to go 'real fast' to the side to jump out and go off the diving board or down the slide.

My aunt and uncle have a cool slide to go down and Kendall went down the first time with me, the second time with me helping her to sit down and send her to the person waiting to catch her, and then after that she climbed the stairs herself and went down on her own with a person waiting to catch her. I am not so sure I want her to sliding off without someone there to catch her. As for jumping off the diving board, she thinks she is jumping off, typically someone stands on the board with her and holds her by the arms and drops her into the pool to another person, and then she insists on swimming to the side all by herself.

So it looks like Kendall will be swimming solely with swimmies this summer unless we see a need at some point for something more.

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