It has been almost 17 months now. It is official, the kid hates being on a swing. And each time I take him to the playground, I think, maybe today will be the day he thinks these things are fun. I mean, what kid does not think swings are fun? Kendall adores them, and I can remember spending many an afternoon swinging trying to reach tree limbs. No, not my boy.I even try singing a song from our favorite show, 'Yo Gabba Gabba,' entitled 'Just try it and you'll like it,' and that is basically the entire lyrics to the song, but for some reason we love it. But even that didn't work, so I am ditching my efforts. Last thing I want to be is the mom who forces their kid to enjoy something because they did or do, because I still enjoy the swings. Most especially the ones at the amusement parks that go around and around. But is it just me, or as you are going around and around, do you ever wonder what would happen if the hook that holds the chain and the swing on the massive rotator just snapped off. You would literally be air borne for a long while at a tilt, just flying through the air, a torpedo, if you will. I tend to look around while spinning eyeing out things that might break my fall. Just like you contemplate jumping off when a playground swing is going super high and landing and rolling like they do in the movies. I would never really do that, by the way, just think about it. And you ask, and you enjoy this? Well sure, the fear of it is half the fun. And that is what Ethan doesn't get, much like his father, sometimes a little 'good' fear, makes the experience all that more exciting. I imagine its the same feeling you get before skydiving, you are scared out of your mind, but paired with that fear is excitement, so you jump. So the boys of the family can continue to cheer on the girls as we embark on 'scary' adventures.
My last effort until he asks, of putting E on a swing...
And the bink goes in to soothe him...he would much rather watch...
Running away from me as I ask if he wants to try again...
On solid ground, being chased by Kendall through the maze...
But back to Yo Gabba Gabba. Has anyone watched this show in its entirety, I mean sat with your kids and watched it? I swear the creators were in my brain, added some funny characters to act out what they found in there, and made a show. When I first saw it I was a little freaked out by the main character, he is an all out gay guy in an orange shiny Lycra jumpsuit with a drum majors hat on his head, and there is these crazy characters that walk awkwardly around and sing, and the enthusiasm is just disturbing. But second time around, I was like, wait a second...these songs sound like something I would sing, and the main guy sounds like me when I am trying to entice my children into eating their food. Snippet of my day, I will admit that I do sing crazy made up songs about the most random things, today we sang about Ethan and why he feels the need to pee on the hardwood floor right after I remove his diaper. The songs are repetitive and we dance all crazy like...just like Yo Gabba Gabba. Last night Kendall was picking her nose and eating her boogers while I was talking with her, and we just made up a song about boogers tasting like sugar.
Ok, so I am a strange person, I will admit it. But would you rather be the mom that took pictures of your kids crying on the swings when they were little bc you know they will think it is funny later and just let their creativity fly capturing raw moments and an understanding that it is o.k. to be silly? Or the mom that over and over again yelled at their kid for picking their nose and scolded them or made them feel weird for being goofy? I mean they will find out sooner or later that it is not cool to pick your nose in front of people, no need to nag. Side Note- if my child were sitting at the dinner table picking his or her nose, I would obviously say something, there is a time and a place for nose picking. (Insert Peet Peeve Announcement Horn Sound) It drives me nuts when a child, not out of control, but just being silly is reprimanded. I mean I could see if they were in someones face being annoying or getting in some one's way, or being too loud. But if you pick, pick, pick at your kid, how do you ever expect their personality to flourish? My motto, you only get one shot with these kids, so squat down and pretend you are a giant crab on the beach after the queen of all crabby pants, and take in an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba and laugh and be silly with us.
melissa - you are so cute...and I am SOOOOO glad you are a Mommy. You try hard, do your best, and love with all of your heart. What else is there? Thank you for sharing your blog with us readers. I love your stories..and one day, I am sure Ethan will enjoy the swings...maybe when he has his own kids :). love and miss you.